Monday, September 15, 2008

An the word of the day is UUUGGGHHH!

As I sit here to write this post I am suffering from conflicting emotions. The first one is sheer frustration. My house is completely in shambles. I don't think there is an inch of floor or counter space that is not covered, papers, dishes, toys, recycling waiting to be taken out, clean clothes, dirty clothes, the new package of toilet paper that has been sitting on the floor in the kitchen for 3 days waiting to be put away, toys....did I mention toys, oh yes, and toys, shoes, backpacks, 3 boxes of pampered chef product waiting to be sorted and delivered, etc, etc, etc...and believe me there is lots of etc. Not only is my house this way, but my WW week has been horrible for staying "On plan" . I have found it extremely hard to find any focus at all or to be able to be constructive in any way shape or form. UUUGGGHHH I say!
However, then there are the really good emotions from time spent with family. I LOVE my family. It isn't very often with Gord's work schedule that we get to spend much time as our little family of four. I cherish the times we do very much. Even when all it consists of is lunch, driving in the car, some goofing around at Gord's work, dinner, and the drive home. It was still fun, and nice to just enjoy our family.
I LOVE my family. Saturday night I was able to go to the Gaither Homecoming Concert at the ACC with my two sisters, and my oldest niece. This was her first time going with us. I think this is our eight or ninth year going. What a great night! Hours of wonderful music, praise to God, and a great time with my sisters. For those hours I was able to get lost in the music and feel the Spirit of God move among many (and not have to think about the chaos that is my house).
So, now it is Monday. It's now 6:10pm, and I still haven't managed to gain much focus, but I am about to attempt to find some order within this chaos. Wish me luck.
Tomorrow I must get back OP. A week without exercise, not enough water, and too many over-point days is probably not going to make it very easy to reach that darn 15lb mark!
.....Again I say....UUUUUGGGHHHH.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

We've all been overwhelmed at times with just the business of life! I sure remember the days when I was raising two girls, working as a nurse, and still trying to be a good wife and housekeeper and UGH is just the right word for that challenge! Thank goodness there are times when you look around you in the midst of all the chaos and realize what a blessing it all is...a home of your own, a loving family, and a good profession! It puts everything else in perspective. And believe me, in a few years the kids will have kids of their own and the house will be orderly again! lol