Tuesday, August 19, 2008


As weigh-in day looms less than 24hours away, I find that I have to admit that I am struggling. I have not been able to get myself organized enough to get everything done that I should be getting done in a day, spend time with the kids, do my Lovable Labels work - both HO stuff, and my business stuff, clean the house, do the laundry, dishes, meals, errands, exercise etc, never mind being able to have some ME time. As a result my weight loss is suffering. I know I can do so much better but I just can't get my momentum going. I am afraid that tomorrow's weigh-in might be my first step backwards. HOWEVER, it will not be a direction that i will continue. I have spent far too long being this overweight person, and I am choosing to not be her any longer.
So, this is a journey, and I will continue to take one step at a time. I know there will be more hard times, but hopefully that will make me appreciate the easier times.

My question for you is...."How do you keep yourself organized, get everything done, and still have time for your family, and for YOU? Suggestions always welcome :)

1 comment:

Erika Mills said...

Baby steps baby! And a whole lotta grace for yourself.

Good question. I seriously think being a mum with kids under 5 is the #1 hardest thing in the world to do...

I try my best and leave the rest - I so wanna be guilt free :)and I think He wants that for me too.
